The 4 Keys to Sustainable Success
The course leverages a research-based toolkit, Psychological Capital, to help you unlock the power of achieving your goals the sustainable, healthy way.
Workr Beeing applies science to help you build a happy, healthy work life for yourself, your teams, and your organizations. Dr. Patricia Grabarek and Dr. Katina Sawyer are PhDs in Organizational Psychology and workplace wellness experts providing bespoke services and accessible content to create positive work environments.
Welcome and Introductions
FREE PREVIEWHow to use this course:
Before we begin...
What is Psychological Capital?
Not the Hope You Know
Activity: Expanding Your Hope for the Future
Can You Tackle This?
Activity: Enhancing Your Confidence
Feeling Optimistic?
Activity: Building Your Belief in Possibility
Resilient Like A Tardigrade
Activity: Growing Your Resilience
Why is Psychological Capital Important?
Time to Reflect
The Intervention
Mindful Minute
Developing Goals
Activity: Part 1
Goal Achievement
Activity: Part 2
Activity: Part 3
Activity: Part 4
Closing Thoughts
Closing Reflection
Thank You!
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